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Bundle page

Bundle page allows you to create a page on your Shopify store where customers can add products to a bundle and get a discount based on the rules you define within the application.

Creating bundle page

You can create a new page or update information about a page such as its title, description, products, discounts and banner from the Bundles page.

In this section

  • Add a new page
  • Edit a page
  • Delete a page
  • Add a preview link to the storefront

Add a new page


You can create up to 10 pages.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page and click on Bundle page.
  3. Click Create page and Enter the details given below.
    • Title: the title for your page that you want to display to customers.
    • Description: the description for your page that will be displayed below the title. This area uses the rich text editor so that you can format your text.
    • Products: the products that you want to display to the customers. Follow the steps given below to add products.
      1. In the Products section, click Select products to open a list of products.
      2. Choose products from a list and click the Add button.

        Note: You can add a maximum of 50 products to a page.

    • Discounts: the discount is applied based on the options that you've set. This includes the following fields:
      1. Discount type: a type of discount, whether it is fixed or percentage.
        • If you want to add a percentage discount, like add a 5% discount on 3 or more quantities, then select Percentage discount.
        • If you want to add a fixed discount, like add a discount of $20.00 on 3 or more quantities, then select Fixed discount.
      2. Discount trigger: the value that you want to use for adding a discount, whether it is total price or total quantity.
        • If you want to add a discount after specific quantity, like add a 5% discount if quantity is greater than 2, then select Total number of products.
        • If you want to add a discount after specific price, like add a 5% discount if total price is greater than $20.00, then select Total price.
      3. Set minimum required: a minimum value is required for customers to checkout.
        • If you tick the checkbox, it shows the textbox below, where you can add the minimum value required for checkout.
        • If the checkbox is unchecked, no minimum value is required for checkout.
        • Here, the value is either price or quantity, depending on the value of Discount trigger field.
        • If Total number of products is selected in Discount trigger, then it considers Minimum quantity.
        • If Total price is selected in Discount trigger, then it considers Minimum price.
      4. Tiers: the levels you want to add for various discounts. You can add a maximum of three tiers. Each tier includes the following fields:
        • Discount after this value: if the total price or quantity is greater than the value of this field, the discount entered in Discount field will be applied.
          • Here, the value is either price or quantity, depending on the value of Discount trigger field.
          • If Total number of products is selected in Discount trigger, then it considers Discount after this quantity.
          • If Total price is selected in Discount trigger, then it considers Discount after this price.
        • Discount: the discount is applied when the total quantity or price is greater than the value of Discount after field.
          • Here, the discount is either fixed or percentage depending on the value of Discount type field.
    • Banner: the image that you want to display at the top of the page. Upload an image with a 2000 pixels height and 600 pixels width for the best appearance. This is an optional field.
    • Additional settings: you might need to adjust a few settings given below.
      1. Show variants: whether or not to display variants for each product
      2. Discount name: the name of the discount that will be displayed on the checkout page
      3. Additional class: a class that you want to add to the parent element of a page for any development purpose.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a page

After you've created a page, you can edit it to change products, discounts, and any other details.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page, click on Bundle Page, and click the name of the page that you want to change.
  3. Modify page details.
  4. Click Save.
If you no longer want to display a page, you can delete it. If you delete a page, it's permanently removed from the application. Deleted page can't be restored.

Delete a page

If you no longer want to display a page, you can delete it. If you delete a page, it's permanently removed from the application. Deleted page can't be restored.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page and click on Bundle Page.
  3. In the list, click the remove button on the right side in the same row of a page that you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

Customising settings

You can customise the design, layout and content of a page. These changes will be applied to all bundle pages.

In this section

  • Design
  • Layout
  • Page content


You can change design of a page, like text color, size, and button style, and add custom CSS rules if you are familiar with CSS.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Settings and click on Bundle Page.
  3. From the Design section, you can customise the design by using the options given below:
    • Primary heading: options for changing the style of h1 and h2 tags on a page include the following fields:
      1. Font size: a font size is applied to all h1 tags.
      2. Color: a Color is applied to all h1 and h2 tags.
    • Secondary heading: options for changing the style of h3 and the rest of the heading tags on a page include the following fields:
      1. Font size: a font size is applied to all h3 tags.
      2. Color: a color is applied to all the heading tags (except h1 and h2) .
    • Body: options for changing the style of the rest of the body text on a page include the following fields:
      1. Font size: a font size is applied to the rest of the body text.
      2. Color: a color is applied to the rest of the body text.
    • Sale text color: a color is applied to sale price, discount, and promotion text:
    • Buttons: options for changing button style include the following fields:
      1. Corner radius: a border radius is applied to the button.
      2. Font size: a font size is applied to the button text.
      3. Background color: a color is applied to the button background.
      4. Text color: a color is applied to the button text.
      5. Background color on hover: a color is applied to the button background on hover.
      6. Text color on hover: a color is applied to the button text on hover.
    • Custom CSS: if you are familiar with CSS, you can add your custom CSS rules in this field. This is an optional field.
  4. Click Save.


Layout allows you to change page width, text alignment, and grid settings.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Settings page and click on Bundle Page.
  3. From the Layout section, you can customise the layout by using the options given below:
    • Page width: a page width can be either Full or Custom. If you select Custom, it shows the textbox below, where you can add a custom page width.
    • Text alignment: options for aligning the page title, description, and grid text include the following fields:
      1. Page title and description: align the text of the page title and description.
      2. Grid title and price: align the title and price text in the product grid.
    • Grid: options for adjusting the items per row and spacing between items in a grid include the following fields:
      1. Products per row in desktop: adjust the number of products per row on the desktop.
      2. Products per row in mobile: adjust the number of products per row in mobile.
      3. Horizontal spacing: a horizontal spacing is applied between the products.
      4. Vertical spacing: a vertical spacing is applied between the products.
  4. Click Save.

Page content

You can set the wording of your choice for the buttons in a product grid and the text in Price details section.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Settings page and click on Bundle Page.
  3. From the Page content section, you can customise the content by using the options given below:
    • Product grid: options for changing button text in a product grid include the following fields:
      1. Add button: a text for the Add button.
      2. Sold out: a text for the Sold out label.
    • Price detail: options for changing the text in the Price details section include the following fields:
      1. Heading: a text for the heading of the Price details section.
      2. Checkout button: a text for the Checkout button.
      3. Save amount on order: a text for the promotional message that is displayed below the subtotal. Here, [amount] will be replaced by the actual amount.
      4. Minimum required to checkout: a text for the alert message that is displayed below the checkout button. Here, [amount] and [unit] will be replaced by the actual value.
  4. Click Save.
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