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Frequently bought together

Frequently bought together allows you to display product recommendations based on frequently purchased together products and provide various discount options.

Creating widget

You can create a new page or update information about a page such as its title, description, products, discounts and banner from the Bundles page.

In this section

  • Add a new bundle
  • Edit a bundle
  • Delete a bundle
  • Add a widget to the page

Add a new bundle


You can create up to 10 bundles.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page and click on Frequently Bought Together.
  3. Click Create bundle and Enter the details given below.
    • Name: the bundle's name. This will not be displayed to customers.
    • Title: the title for your bundle that you want to display to the customers.
    • Display bundle for: this has two options.
      1. All products: a bundle will be displayed on all products in the store.
      2. Specific products: a selection of products for which a bundle needs to be displayed.
      3. Specific collections: a selection of collections for which a bundle needs to be displayed in all products of the selected collections.
    • Bundle products: the products that you want to display as frequently bought together products with the main product. This has two options.
      1. Automatic: products will be displayed automatically that are frequently purchased together.
      2. Manual: a selection of products that will be displayed as a bundle.
    • Maximum number of products displayed: a maximum number of products that will be displayed with the main products. This option is available only if Automatic is selected.
    • Discounts: this includes the following fields:
      1. Enable discount: to enable or disable discount.
      2. Discount text: a text that will be displayed below the title.
      3. Discount type: a type of discount, This has four options:
        • Percentage: for a percentage discount like 20% off on three items.
        • Fixed: for a fixed discount like $10 off on three items.
        • Cheapest item for free: to offer a free product that has the lowest price.
        • Free shipping: to offer free shipping.
      4. Discount: the discount is applied based on the discount type. This field is available for the percentage and fixed options.
      5. Minimum items required: a minimum number of items is required for the discount to apply.
    • Bundle status: the status of a bundle, whether it is Active or Draft. If the status is Draft then a bundle will not be displayed and the discount will not be applied.
    • Additional class: a class that you want to add to the parent element of a bundle for any development purpose.

Edit a bundle

After you've created a bundle, you can edit it to change a discounts, products, and any other details.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page, click on Frequently Bought Together, and click the name of the bundle that you want to change.
  3. Modify bundle details.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a bundle

If you no longer want to display a bundle, you can delete it. If you delete a bundle, it's permanently removed from the application. Deleted bundle can't be restored.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Bundles page and click on Frequently Bought Together.
  3. In the list, click the remove button on the right side in the same row as the bundle that you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

Customising settings

You can customise the design and content of a bundle. These changes will be applied to all quantity bundles.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps, and then choose Codify - Product Bundle from the list.
  2. Go to the Settings and click on Frequently bought.
  3. From the Design section, you can customise the button style, such as the border color, text color, background color, and style in hover state.
  4. From the Content section, you can customise the text for the add to cart button, sold out text, and total price text.
  5. Click Save.
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